Burbank Townhomes For Sale


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If you are searching for Burbank Townhomes For Sale then you have landed in the right place. We offer a complete list of all Burbank Townhomes For Sale. Just click on the link below button above and begin your search for Burbank Townhomes for sale.
Whether you are looking for  Burbank Townhomes For Sale or a Townhome in another area of The San Fernando Valley the following definition will usually apply. Townhouses are homes that  share two or more sides with adjoining walls (with the exception of end units).  Townhomes are usually multilevel with the entrance being on the first level. Townhomes fill the gap between single family houses and condominiums. They are the perfect choice for someone that likes the privacy of owning a house but doesn’t want to bother with the upkeep. Owners are usually only responsible for their own area of yard, if there is one, leaving the blowing, planting, trimming, mowing and on and on to the Homeowner’s Association ( HOA ) so owners of townhomes can feel free to pick up a leave for weekends or longer vacations without worrying about what the place will look like when they return. Many associations will even handle roof maintenance.

Another Townhome feature is that they have own entrances and exits eliminating the common hallway and elevators which provides more privacy than a condo but still offering more safety than a single-family dwelling.

Since there is not a large plot of land attached to each home, and construction elements such as walls and foundations are shared, many townhouses offer more square footage for the money. Most townhouses offer multilevel living, which provides the same feel as single-family home living at a lower cost. This makes the biggest difference in urban areas, where land cost makes private homes with acreage too expensive for many people.